Be Prepared For Setbacks
How difficult is it for you to achieve long term success? Whether its improving your relationships, financial situation, sports and health goals, or even a new way of being in the world, sometimes it can seem like you’re going backwards. Setbacks happen and there is a reason why.
Our brains have two primary commands – to keep the body safe, and to conserve energy. Our minds cannot store energy the way our muscles do. As part of this, the brain has a set point – its called homeostasis.
It’s like your brain has a thermostat that has been set to 20 degrees. When we apply new changes of thinking or behaviour, it needs more energy or power and will increase the temperature to say, 25 degrees. Homeostasis then kicks in to make sure the set point of 20 degrees to reduce the energy consumption.
Imagine that you have successfully raised your financial set point. Suddenly a big bill or unseen liability comes along, and you feel like you’re back where you started. We had a client who wanted independence and confidence to travel the world. She was finally booking her flights, all prepared to leave, when from out of nowhere she suffered an event that blew away her confidence and feeling of independence. With a little NLP & mind skills coaching she quickly got her independence and confidence back, and is now living a life she never thought possible.
Homeostasis is often the cause of yo-yo dieting, the debt/savings cycle or getting fit, feeling great and then, its as if all that work was for nothing. An injury, a life event hits from out of the blue. You may feel like you’re back where you started, or worse. But once you’re aware of homeostasis, you can work around it.
Incremental changes are better than big ones. This applies energy at a consistent rate and increases your set point. One small change a week before introducing the next one is a good starting place.
Be prepared for setbacks! Have a plan to get back on track within hours or days of the event that set you back. Remember that setbacks are temporary. Do not kick yourself while your down or you will stay stuck.
Having a well-formed outcome, setting your intention and clarity of the end result keeps you moving forward. Check in daily with your goals to remind your unconscious where you’re going. Keep your eye on the prize (your outcome or goals) and remember why you’re doing it.
Success happens, but not in straight line.
To master your mind and really accelerate success in your life, join us in November for two weekends.
Te Whare Taonga o Waikato Museum and Gallery has announced that entries are open now for the National Contemporary Art Award 2025.