New Marlborough environment grant scheme launched
A new environmental fund, Working for Nature/Mahi mō te Taiao, will soon be available to landowners, businesses and community organisations for restoring native ecosystems, protecting native habitat and planting stream banks.
Councillor Gerald Hope, Deputy Chair of the Environment Committee, said the new, enhanced fund combines and replaces the former Tui to Town and Greening Marlborough initiatives.
“Council has successful community grant schemes for sports, the arts and culture, heritage and youth but our environmental grant process has been less well coordinated. Working for Nature will bring a much better structure to our process for granting funds for environmental protection and enhancement.”
“Funding has been reallocated from the Tui to Town programme and the Greening Marlborough fund, which is run by the Marlborough Landscape Group. There will also be opportunities to increase the new fund’s budget in the future from other sources, depending on community demand and outcomes achieved.”
The proposed $70,000 annual budget would be split into:
Habitat Marlborough: $25,000 per year
Projects that restore native habitat and improve biodiversity and freshwater quality. The focus would be on planting lowland areas of South Marlborough where there is little native vegetation, as well as waterway and wetland margins. It incorporates the Tui to Town and Greening Marlborough programme with grants of $500 to $5,000 per applicant in any one year.
Protecting Marlborough: $45,000 per year
Projects to control animal and plant pests that are threatening native wildlife and habitats. Grants of between $5,000 and $15,000 per applicant in any one year.
The Environment Committee resolved to appoint Councillor Hope, Councillor David Oddie, Councillor David Croad and Rural Representative Ross Beech to an Environmental Grant Scheme Sub-committee.
Councillor Oddie said the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan provides the framework for sustainable management of our physical and natural resources and includes principles to support local communities to protect nature and maintain and enhance water quality.
“This fund will be welcome news for the many groups and individuals in Marlborough who are striving to improve natural habitats and control pests.”
He said projects can take place on public, private or Māori-owned land.
“Successful applicants will be required to sign a funding agreement and provide an accountability report once the money is spent.”
The first round of applications will open on 1 October 2020 and close on 31 October 2020.
Today’s decision is subject to ratification by the full Council on Thursday 17 September.
What can be funded?
Purchasing and planting native species
Fencing, plant guards and stakes for native plantings
Pest traps and other pest management devices
Weed control equipment and chemicals
Professional ecological and technical advice
Co-ordination of community-led environmental projects.
What can’t be funded?
Work that has already been completed, including purchases, already made
Work that is required as a condition of a resource consent or mitigation
Work that is required as part of subdivision consent/entitlement applications
Projects that are part of a known future subdivision consent application
Beautification projects that do not contribute to biodiversity improvement
Projects that interfere with floodway requirements, e.g. planting on stopbanks
Projects that already receive ongoing funding from the Council, the Department of Conservation or another management agency.
Funding for community environmental projects can be also sought from the Department of Conservation Community Fund, the Rātā Foundation, Lotteries Environmental and Heritage Fund and local pub charity organisations. Yealands Wine Group also launched its Sustainability Initiative fund this year.
Fish & Game New Zealand and the Game Bird Habitat Trust are calling for photographers and hunters to capture the perfect shot of a game bird in its natural habitat for the prestigious Game Bird Habitat Stamp competition.