Plans to reduce NZ agricultural emissions

Plans to reduce NZ agricultural emissions

Ōtautahi - A new proposal to reduce GHG emissions would see New Zealand farmers lead the world in reducing emissions and help give Aotearoa a competitive advantage in a green conscious global marketplace.

The government’s latest proposal should meet the Zero Carbon Act 2030 methane reduction target.

Government has largely adopted the farming sector’s proposal to price emissions at the farm level, giving farmers control over their own farming systems with the ability to reduce costs.

Revenue will be recycled back into the agriculture sector through new technology, research and provide incentive payments to farmers. Consultation has started and will end on November 18.

The Government has included many of the recommendations of the he waka eke noa partnership of agriculture sector groups for farm-level emissions pricing, and proposed modifications in the consultation document based on advice from the Climate Change Commission.

The proposal would see New Zealand farmers lead the world in reducing emissions, delivering a competitive advantage and enhancing our export brand.

Cutting emissions will help New Zealand farmers to not only be the best in the world but the best for the world; gaining a price premium for climate friendly agricultural products while also helping to boost export earnings.

Agriculture is a major part of the climate problem. It currently generates 19 to 29 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. Without action, that percentage could rise substantially as other sectors reduce their emissions. Additionally, a third of food produced globally is either lost or wasted.

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