NZ divided by red traffic light setting - survey
Tamaki Makaurau - Fifty one percent of New Zealanders believe the covid red traffic light setting has
the right balance between restriction and freedom, according to a new survey.
A quarter (26 percent) feel are too tight and a further quarter (24 percent) would like stricter restrictions, the latest (24 percent), the latest Ipsos survey found.
Those who feel Aotearoa should have firmer restrictions talk about wanting lockdowns, wider use of masks and closure of borders.
Those who think restrictions are too tight mention wanting borders to open, a full return to normal, removal of masks in schools, hospitality limits and vaccine mandates.
The survey asked 1004 New Zealanders how they are feeling about the virus now the omicron variant is transmitting in the community and how well New Zealand is managing the outbreak.
The results showed high level of concern around what omicron will bring over the next month, with only 15 percent of New Zealanders claiming they are not concerned at all.
Kiwis surveyed felt they are likely to catch covid either themselves (35 percent) or their close friends / family (46 percent) has almost doubled since this time last year .
While there are increased feelings of impatience around getting back to normal life (26 percent feel this way compared to 17 percent in February 2021), there is also increased concern for those who are weak or vulnerable (27 percent compared to 22 percent in February 2021).
Just half of all New Zealanders believe the red traffic light restrictions have the right balance between restrictions and freedom.
People living in Canterbury are more likely to believe the red traffic light restrictions are too restrictive, while Aucklanders are less likely to agree (33 percent compared to 22 percent).
Nearly two-thirds of New Zealanders would like to see restrictions on how businesses operate removed.
Ratings of government performance in managing the virus has dropped to 63 percent positive after consistently being in the 80s and 90s over the last two years.
The majority of New Zealanders would feel anxious leaving their house without a mask now – significantly more than during previous covid waves. Kiwis are less likely to believe covid is a threat to the world compared to a year ago (63 percent versus 78 percent) but are more likely to believe it is a threat to our country (46 percent versus 32 percent).
Ipsos says they are the third largest market research company in the world, employing more than 18,000 people.
Te Whare Taonga o Waikato Museum and Gallery has announced that entries are open now for the National Contemporary Art Award 2025.