Census 2023 just days away, with additions
Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Work on the next census has begun with Statistics New Zealand with information on sexual orientation and gender identity to be included this year. Census Day is Tuesday, 7 March 2023.
For the 2023 Census, government has provided $210 million in funding to Statistics New Zealand. This is a substantial increase on the 2018 Census, which cost approximately $126 million to undertake. The substantial increase in funding will allow Statistics New Zealand to:
Lift the number of Census collectors, who will be making contact with people to support them doing the Census
Support sustained and ongoing work connecting with communities around New Zealand and helping them increase both their representation in, and their confidence using Census data
Implement the recommendations from the July 2019 independent review of the 2018 Census
A key focus of the Statistics New Zealand Census work programme will need to be on lifting the response rates across New Zealand
The increase in Census funding has occurred for two reasons. The first is to ensure that the 2023 Census delivers high-quality data, something that has been called into question for the 2018 Census.
This is because Census data informs a large amount of important work undertaken by central and local government, iwi, community groups, and businesses, and to ensure the best outcomes for New Zealanders the data needs to be of high-quality.
The largest and most important difference is that the 2023 Census should undertake meaningful engagement with special populations, particularly iwi and Pasifika.
This approach was recommended in the 2019 external Census review. Establishing these engagements and partnerships will enable implementation of a co-design approach to develop effective, targeted collection strategies for these groups, Stats NZ says.
If undertaken properly this approach has the potential to dramatically increase the participation rates for Māori and Pasifika.
As part of this updated approach, the increased funding will enable Statistics New Zealand to employ a substantial number of Census collectors. It was apparent after the 2018 Census that the substantial reduction in Census collectors had a real impact on the participation rate of people who need support to complete the Census forms.
Further it was recommended that Statistics NZ establish an internal design authority that has full responsible for decisions on the design and stewardship of all Statistics NZ surveys, including the 2023 Census. The establishment of a design authority would ensure technical reviews and quality assurance on surveys statistical and technical design and models.
Overall, it seems that the anticipated actions of Statistics New Zealand should ensure that the response rate to the 2023 Census is higher than that for the 2018 Census.
Te Whare Taonga o Waikato Museum and Gallery has announced that entries are open now for the National Contemporary Art Award 2025.