A Glimpse of Heaven: The Profound Encounters of Near-Death Experiences
Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash
Like many people, I feel deeply spiritual and believe that when we ‘pop our clogs’, it is not the end. What helps us to understand more about what might potentially happen are those stories from people who believe that they have experienced an (NDE) or Near-Death Experience.
What is a Near Death Experience?
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are profound and transformative encounters that individuals report after being on the brink of death. These experiences typically occur during life-threatening situations, such as cardiac arrest, accidents, or serious illnesses.
During an NDE, people often describe a variety of vivid and extraordinary sensations, perceptions, and emotions. These can include feelings of peace, floating outside their bodies, moving through a tunnel, encountering deceased loved ones, experiencing a life review, and even glimpses of heavenly realms.
The impact of NDEs on individuals is often profound and life-altering. Many who have gone through these experiences report long-lasting changes in their beliefs, values, and attitudes towards life and death. NDEs can bring a deep spiritual awakening, resulting in a greater appreciation for life, a reduction in fear of death, and a more holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.
However, it's important to note that the interpretation and significance of NDEs can vary among individuals. Some people may integrate their experiences into their existing religious or spiritual beliefs, while others may find it challenging to reconcile their NDE with their previous worldview.
Finding out more about this
Thanks to YouTube and other prolific social sharing platforms, there are many accounts of NDEs you can listen to and presentations you can view from people (with many letters behind their names) to see there is real interest in this subject from some very credible sources.
If you check them out on YouTube, remember that it is easy for people to post fake news and elaborate stories to help them ‘build their channel,’ so be careful. In my experience, however, there are plenty of stories that seem to be very genuine, and many of these have been well-researched and verified by reputable third parties. But I will let you decide.
Here is one YouTube video you may find interesting to start with.
Is There Life After Death? moderated by John Cleese - 2018 Tom Tom Festival
Near-Death Experiences in the News
According to recent news, there have been several developments in the field of near-death experiences (NDEs). One study suggests that NDEs may be tied to brain activity after death[2]. The study, conducted by a team of researchers, including cardiologist Dr. Pim van Lommel, explored the relationship between NDEs and brain activity. This research is contributing to the understanding of consciousness and the mysteries surrounding NDEs[2].
In another news article, near-death survivors describe what they saw and heard before being revived. The article shares the story of James Arnold, who experienced cardiac arrest and was later resuscitated. Arnold's experience and the accounts of other survivors shed light on the unique experiences and perceptions during near-death experiences[1].
It's important to note, however, that not all experts are convinced of the reality of NDEs. Some researchers, like Sue Blackmore, have expressed scepticism and highlighted the lack of convincing evidence supporting the claims of out-of-body and NDE experiences[2].
These are just a few recent news highlights on near-death experiences. For further information, I recommend reading the full articles from the sources provided below:
The Guardian: The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain'
NBC News: Near-death survivors describe what they saw and heard before being revived
New Zealand Stories
There are several stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) from people in New Zealand. In an interview with Radio New Zealand, it was revealed that around 15% of people who experience clinical death in New Zealand and are revived report having had an NDE [1]. One example of an NDE story from New Zealand is that of Ian McCormack, who left New Zealand in 1980, seeking answers to the meaning of life and enlightenment from Eastern religions. McCormack had a powerful NDE that transformed his beliefs and his life. He has since shared his experience to bring comfort to others who have also had NDEs [2].
If you're interested in learning more about NDEs and related subjects in New Zealand, the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS) has a chapter there that studies NDEs and provides information on the phenomenon [3].
2 https://ndestories.org/ian-mccormack/
In Summary
After watching too many YouTube videos and researching more about the subject, I am back where I started. I absolutely believe that ‘it's not over’ when we ‘kick the bucket’ in this current life. If anything, the small amount of digging I have done has given me some sense of hope, especially having had friends pass most recently.
In saying that, I am still interested in discovering more and keeping an open mind on this subject.
I hope you found this article interesting and explore the subject more yourself. Maybe? these NDE stories are a key to helping us all understand how connected we are and eventually help us collectively create a better world for those living on Earth.
Tony Cutting
For Aotearoa Today
Te Whare Taonga o Waikato Museum and Gallery has announced that entries are open now for the National Contemporary Art Award 2025.