Featured Artist - Jane Comben of Pogo Design
In the beginning
Born and raised in Portland, a rugged, windswept peninsula off the South Coast in Dorset, UK. Famous for its harbour and lighthouse.
Schools: Weymouth Grammar School and Weymouth College, Dorset, UK.
One year Foundation Studies in Bournemouth & Poole College of Art and Design, UK.
Degree in Graphic Design at Norwich Art School, UK.
“I never really had any idea of what I wanted to do, so I just kept doing the subjects I was good at. I could have gone to university to study geography or history, but I decided to give the one-year Foundation course a go first. We tried many art subjects there, and again, I was tossing up between Fine Art and Graphic Design. I figured the job prospects were better for Graphic Design.” - Jane
“I never made the netball team or choir at school but I was often called on, with other arty kids, to paint murals and the like”
“On the Foundation course, I can clearly remember walking the residential street of Bournemouth, looking at the interesting buildings, and feeling like I was truly ‘seeing’ for the first time.”
“I had a wonderful lecturer at Art College called Ray who was a imposing gruff man who smoked rollies and had a huge moustache. When we completed projects, we were encouraged to “constructively criticise” each other’s work. He would always ask “But, what is the idea?” He encouraged us to ask the right questions to find innovative solutions. Not to just do something that was fashionable or on trend but to really think!
He really inspired and encouraged me. After over 20 years we’re still in touch.”
“I looked for my first job during a recession, so it took me 6 months to land a “proper” design job in London. After some disappointments, I landed a job in a small firm that was perfect for me. They happened to specialise in packaging design for UK supermarkets, so I became a packaging designer. My boss, Carolyn, knew her stuff and was supported by her husband and a team of mostly women designers. It felt like family and was on the outskirts of Wimbledon Common. I could walk to work and was gently encouraged into taking more responsibility – like art directing photo shoots and going to presentations in central London. Perfect for a shy girl from the sticks.” - Jane
A Kiwi Life
“When I moved to NZ, I ended up in Wellington. There was much less packaging work so I moved into print design and branding, and the more government-focused work of the Wellington market.
After working in agencies, I created Pogo Design when my son was school-age. I wanted the flexibility to manage school holidays etc. I often tell people my biggest work success to date is walking my son through the gate of the local school.” – Jane
Janes work today
Jane lives in the friendly seaside village of Pukerua Bay, New Zealand, amidst views of the rugged coast and green hills. Creativity flows in Pogo Design, the studio run by Jane Comben, where design isn’t just about aesthetics but a process of collaborating with her clients and delivering the best design outcome that fits their needs.
Pogo Design: The Creation
Pogo Design was created to deliver a friendly and thoughtful graphic design service with a bit of bounce. Where ideas are brought to life and long-standing relationships with clients are built. Jane believes a good design will accommodate how you will (actually) use it and reflect the personality of your business or organisation and the service you deliver.
Examples of Janes Art and Graphic Design work.
Current Practices and Client Engagements
Today, Pogo Design stands for creativity that embraces community, for engaging and connecting with audiences. Whether it’s a creative strategy, branding, a publication layout, infographics or environmental graphics, Jane approaches each project with a fresh perspective and aims to simplify the complex. Her work often reflects the natural colours that surround her studio.
Many of her clients have come through referrals and networking. Jane uses social media to help showcase her work and build her brand.
A Glimpse at Jane’s Design Tips
Jane is generous with her knowledge, often sharing insights that are as practical as they are inspiring. Here are a few tips from Jane
Embrace the environment: Get out and about and let your surroundings inspire you. Creative input, whatever form that takes for you, helps creative output.
Client collaboration is key: Design is a dialogue and asking the right questions feeds insights and focus. That means you can find design solutions that help them get their message across in a way that really delivers.
Build a network: The design world is ever evolving and you can’t be expert at everything. Build connections with others in related fields so they can add their skills to projects, and you can concentrate on what you’re good at.
Reach Out to Jane
Pogo Design is about simplifying the complex and creating visuals that resonate. Whether you’re looking for a design consultant to elevate your brand or connect with your community, Jane is your go-to graphic design expert.
Interested clients can connect with Jane and Pogo Design through the following:
Email: jane@pogodesign.co.nz
Phone: +64 211361745
Website: www.pogodesign.co.nz
Facebook: FB- https://www.facebook.com/pogodesign.nz
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janecomben-graphicdesigner/
Many describe Jane Comben at Pogo Design as easy-to-work with, flexible and responsive. Reach out today if you’d like the expert guidance of a creative, seasoned designer who cares about bringing your vision to life.
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for Aotearoa Today
Te Whare Taonga o Waikato Museum and Gallery has announced that entries are open now for the National Contemporary Art Award 2025.